The superhero dad

The superhero dad
by V. Luke Tauning

Alan refused to stop working from the store, and Nelson was not happy about it because his dad's works were too tiring. Nelson then received calls that his superhero dad was in hospital and he rushed to hospital to get his dad.

The Hidden: Part 2

The Hidden: Part 2
by V. Luke Tauning

Daniel have to spend his summer holiday with his brother Dylan and Will in a house his dad rented for them to learn survival skills throughout the holidays. The house they rented anyhow was so strange and isolated from the other houses and mysterious

The Hidden : Part 1

The Hidden : Part 1
by V. Luke Tauning

Daniel have to spend his summer holiday with his brother Dylan and Will in a house his dad rented for them to learn survival skills throughout the holidays. The house they rented anyhow was so strange and isolated from the other houses and mysterious