I'm April Marieson Fuentes. I was born on April 15, 1997 that's the reason why my name is "April" but you can also call me "Eprot or Salang-uiGongju". I started writing stories since I was in second year High School, I can't imagine myself writing those stuffs but I find so cute ahihihi. I already published some stories in Wattpad but it's not yet updated because of my busy sched, that's why I just have few readers :3 but it's okay :) Some of my books are FanFic and RomCom, I'm not that type of a girl who loves reading pure romance cause it's kinda .. you know. Ahehe. I express my feelings through writing and whenever I have a free time and I feel so sad, I always get my notebook to write stories, it's only my way to stress free. Honestly, I don't believe in Forever because I know love never really exist it was just our brain who demand it.
And one thing, I also love eating cerelac. It's my one way also to feel from stress.
I also love spazzing in the internet and I love watching those cute images of KPOP. I'm not that very updated to them but I don't care. I'm a type of a girl who stick to my Old Friend than my New Friends.
"Sometimes you need to believe that everything was just fine
Sometimes you need to assumed that everything never changed
Sometimes you need to pretend that it was just ok
Sometimes you need to know that everything you thought are not really the same
Because there is no permanent things in this world
And their is long lasting to hold on...."
I am Eienni, the one they always believe but do you believe on it too.
Eienni, I love thee, the guy who is next to me.
Eienni,I will write till the end of time...