I must confess I sometimes enjoyed the "Aunty" moments though it was a forced cheering responsibility bestowed on me: when she would walk from the bathroom into my mama's closet and fit her clothes and jewelry and make me sit and judge her...
So I remember: A young beautiful girl...so much younger than my mother, jumping out of my father's bedroom window. My eyes were only seven years old. But the memory is now 23 years older, very vivid with images intact like the reflection in my...
There are different ranks of angels in Heaven. Seraphim, Archangels, Cherubim, and many and many of them that even the books or the churches cannot identify many of them. Each rank of angel also has their own function and duty in Paradise. Of...
Samuel is a little 5years old child. Samuel is sleeping in his bed
on a usual night. He hears
footsteps outside his door, and...
The moonlight vividly illuminates the old oak tree surrounded by hundreds of hopeless little fire flies dip in the wind, soaring with the false promise of flight. The twinkling stars continuously shine, changing colors every minute, from blue to...