How much this love have hurt me...

How much this love have hurt me...
by sadeesha

You have hurt me but you have pleased me.....

I see only you....

I see only you....
by sadeesha

In this whole universe....It's only You....

It's OK If you are not mine

It's OK If you are not mine
by sadeesha

Behind every It's OK there is a hidden pain......

Why my heart’s stubborn to recognize you…

Why my heart’s stubborn to recognize you…
by sadeesha

No wonder one day you will return for me Cz’ you are my soul-mate where would you be…


Who I am truly of you...

Who I am truly of you...
by sadeesha

Even I don't know who I am truly of you It's all a dream which never I cast........

It's Only You.....

It's Only You.....
by sadeesha

The eternal home of my life is Only the shadow of you...

Can't you once turn back to me

Can't you once turn back to me
by sadeesha

Even if it's not the love Can't you once kiss my lips.....

My heart has lost in front of star eyes of you

My heart has lost in front of star eyes of you
by sadeesha

When you become only one love of the life.......................

Secretly to even my heart

Secretly to even my heart
by sadeesha

Love is missing you Love is crying for you I taught a precious lesson that Love is only you.....