Sometimes we don't know where to go or to find our own path.
Sometimes darkness brings comfort to our self.
There´s something good
You are safe here
The darkness is around the corner
Don´t give up yet
Maybe, only maybe...
A soul realized that not everything was lost.
Don´t only think about darkness
Only a tender heart can understand
Stay safe
Can you feel it?
The clock keeps ticking.
Yes, it is closer than you think
Just live
A poem dedicated to the Individuals Who desire more from life.
We need your help
Enjoy it, children of the night.
Don´t try to deny your true feelings.
They are a part of your soul.
It was time
Don´t leave me alone
Something so beautiful
Just waiting for another day.
We must believe in something good
Learn to embrace that lingering darkness.
A promise of peace, for the future.