Within: Chapter Three

by natsume1988

Fucking Bitch!

Lyndon Stevens ignored the voice as he looked beside him, and watch his mother through his lashes as she drove her beat up Chevy to take him at his new school. She's been nagging for quite a while now, and he's growing irritated to hear her say crap about his attitude and whatnot anymore.

Damn woman!

He ignored the voice. Again. The voice lived in Lyndon's head for as long as he remembers. That hearing it a million times, become normal as breathing. Or because it's been annoying him as always, he decided to ignored it.

"We're here." His mother spat, while looking at him through her mossy green eyes with so much disgust, that Lyndon can't help but cringe. "Stop being such a bastard you hear me boy. 'Cause the next time you make some ruckus, I will put you in the box and throw you away for good." She continue mumbling, until Lyndon get off her car and awkwardly stand beside the road. "Damn kid, why do I have to put up so much for you!"

What a bitch...

He's tempted to talk back but before Lyndon can open his mouth, the car were already moving away from him.

Lyndon took a deep shaky breath and turn to look at the looming building before him.  Narrowing his eyes at the vast New York Public School before him, the dread being in a new place, especially big crowded school like this one, came back full force. He always hated meeting rowdy kids,  especially pretending to befriend them. Learning new hallways. Talking to new teachers. But more than anything, he loathed the stares. He can feel their eyes, almost burning a hole on the top of his skull. Some curious, but the others he knew with disgust. All he wanted is to be left alone, but it never seems to happened, whenever he go.

Its as if the others can tell that he's different. Which is kind of weird even to someone like him. But Lyndon can't understand why he's so conspicuous. He felt pretty normal. Aside from the voice who usually talk to him through his mind, but no one knows about that. Well, its different if they can read his mind, which is so unlikely.

Oh, but hey! Maybe they can. After all he can talk to someone inside his head. So its not impossible to think that anyone can read minds too.

Now, he's rambling. But Lyndon doesn't know what to think anymore. He knew - even though he keeps denying it - that there's something different about him. There's something in him that made people look twice. He can feel it, deep down, that he's really different. But he wasn't exactly sure how. He just knew it.

Shaking his head to remove the negative thoughts running through his head, he force his self to turn around and step forward. But as the thoughts leave him, loud noise greeted his half dazed mind. Hundred of voices assaulted him at once, there were loud laughter, shouting, screaming; While the kids shoved each other as they strode their way upfront.

Lyndon almost knocked out when he froze in his feet. He's shocked to witnessed hundreds of kid same age as him in such a large compound. However, it seems they don't mind being  in same place as they burst with so much energy. Laughing loudly with one another as they walked with their own group of friends.

As Lyndon watched them in awe, he can't help but feel so alone. Not because he felt different than them. But because he realized that he never have that. In living for almost 18 years he never have a friend. A friend who can understand him. Who will laugh, cry, and talk together with him. A person who will be there and would truly accept him the way he is.

He felt his eyelids prickle while a lump form in his throat. Hiking his knapsack over his shoulder, he shove the feelings down and turn around.

He's about to break down. He can feel it. And he's not stupid to do it in front of hundred kids who will most likely laugh at his face. So with his dignity intact he starts walking away from the place he knew would be another hell for him.

Ignoring the voice in his head, taunting him as always, he hurriedly walked away. Until finally his steps grew more large and before he knew it he's already running. Farther away from everything he hated, without looking back.


It felt so good to be away. He'd been walking, and running for almost an hour now, that he can feel his muscles protesting. But its been so long since he felt like this, that despite with the tiredness, he still continue his journey towards the long deserted road.

But all of a sudden a strong March breeze blows by, freezing him into place. He starts to shiver. Dread filled him. He never been away from home, like this. And even though he hated his mother, she's the only family that he has. Now, that he's walking in some unknown land disoriented and lost, the feeling of bliss a moment ago, leaves him with nothing but regret.

A cloud covered the sun and a strong wind picked up, and suddenly he felt cold again. Dread slowly spread inside him, until it creep his heart. He can feel in the air that there's something wrong, but he can't pinpoint what. So without further hesitation he turn on his heels and walk back to where he came from.

Clutching his bag tightly around him, he walked quickly with his head down. But sudden noises stop him on his tracks. Lyndon's heart beat faster, while his breathing become ragged when he saw a black car came flying down the road. Its screeches so loud, leaving him frozen in his spot. With wide eyes he watched it bump to the oak tree beside the road with so much force it bounces back, before it flips twice until it stop a meter from where he was standing.

Lyndon remain frozen on his feet. With mouth hanging open, he watch everything unfold before him.

He jump on his feet, startled when the door burst open, and a bloodied man carrying another guy crawled out from the open door of the flipped car. As if he's woken from a trance he hurriedly came to them intending to help but a loud popping noise stop him once again.

Looking up, Lyndon watch with dread when another car arrived and stop not far from them.

"Just my luck.. Fucking Anderson.." Lyndon turn his head to the owner of the voice, and arched his brows. He saw a man with long jet black hair from before (whose still bloodied), drop the guy he's carrying a foot away from Lyndon, before he crouched down and feel his pulse. "Shit! I knew it! Damn!!"

Lyndon can see how distraught the man had become, and for some unknown reason he wanted to calm him down. His about to take another step forward when he heard another loud popping noise. Irritated by the repeating noise he looked up, but what he saw makes him shiver with dread.

What the hell is going on...

Lyndon can't believe what he's seeing. The car which has been flip before, where back on its wheels. But to his astonishment, its hovering a meter from the ground while vibrating in a slow hum.

"Oh hell! Alex he's doing it! Damn, used yours too. I don't care if you blow that guy up! I just don't want to die!" A guy -who came out from the car that just arrived and stopped near them, shriek in a very high pitch voice.

Lyndon watched in daze, when a woman suddenly hop out on the other side, whose smirking maliciously with her palms stretched towards the man before him. Lyndon doesn't understand what's going on anymore. Everything doesn't make sense. He even thought that he's only hallucinating but, its felt too true to be a product of his nonexistent imagination.

A sudden jolt through the wind woke him from his daydreaming. The voice within him, scream for him to run and save himself. But like always he's too stubborn to follow. Still standing behind the man with jet black hair, he watched everything take place before him.

But when he heard a very loud snap, his skin prickle with uncertainty, and he knew by then that they were so dead.

"Oh crap.." the man hissed under his breath.

Eyes widening, Lyndon's breathing hitch as the car hovering in front of them burst into fire. Then, not even a second passed, a strong wind suddenly blows by, pushing Lyndon on his back as he fall on the ground with a heavy thud.

Slightly shaken, Lyndon slowly stood, but when his eyes landed around them, he let out a very unmanly shriek. The fire from the car, to his surprised were already surrounding them. A wave of heat of a raging inferno that will devour them in a matter of seconds. However, Lyndon was speechless, when his gaze stop to the man with jet black hair. His left hand, were stretched in front of him. He can hear him murmuring words he can't understand. And like magic, the fire surrounding them slowly retreat a meter away from them.

He blink his eyes. Amaze from what he had witnessed. But still, feeling dreadful he can't help but asked, "Are we going to be alright?"

The man snap his head at him. His golden eyes ablaze with something he can't understand. Lyndon was shocked to see how exotic the man looks, that he failed to catch the sudden change in his expression. "What the hell are you doing here?"

What? "But, I've been here for a while now."

The man frown, his beautiful face morphing to distaste. "Then, you should've run, you idiot! Are you nuts!" He spat angrily in his face, before shaking his head, clearly disappointed. "Is everyone, such an idiot like you!?"

Lyndon's mind can't fathom his sudden outburst of rage. He knows that he was right to think that he's an idiot to let himself be trap in this raging inferno. But still..

".... And now, like always I have to save you, like everybody else.."

Lyndon closed his eyes and breathed deep. He tried to will himself to calm down, but its getting hard, especially hearing an unknown man degrade him at each passing second.

"......if you want to kill yourself, go ahead and do so. But please leave me be.. what an ungrateful bastard.."

Still eyes closed, his mind waver. He thought of his mother, and how he hated her. He thought the man before him, cursing him, blaming him for something he do not understand.

He thought of his whole life. How he'd always been treated like trash. How no one understood him. How they blame him with anything just to feel good with themselves. And he don't know how but something in him clicked. Somehow, he felt he had enough.

As the voice and his feelings become one, he felt it...

A sudden urge of force that almost knocked him on his feet. A sudden anger that he never felt before came rushing in. Narrowing his eyes at the man in front of him, Lyndon stood tall and let the rage filled his silvery eyes, he can feel it glowing. The wave of anger flooded within him, flushing his blood, pumping him, filling him. The force centered his head, then spread throughout his body, until nothing is left untouched.

The wind around Lyndon picked up. His head grew heavy, but in his half daze state he saw the man with jet black hair look at him with a scared expression. However, he's too lost to feel the need to care.

Lyndon overcome with his senses, let out a primal roar. The roar sounds so animalistic, that it surprised and scared him. His concentration waver, snapping him from his reverie.

Daze and still feeling disoriented, Lyndon's eyes grew wide when he felt the power painfully surge within him. The wind around him quaver, until his control with it snaps. The wind whirl in a powerful pool, blowing all the fire away until nothing of it was left. The wind grew hot and finally it blasted away creating havoc in its trail.

As everything unfold to everyone to see, the pain that the forced leave him felt so tremendous he can feel himself tearing into two. Lyndon fall in his knees, his breathing become hard while his heart starts beating so fast.


Lyndon heard someone calling, but he's too weak to care. The pain is too much for him to bear, that he can feel his body slowly shutting down. As he grew more weak, he felt his arms turn into jelly letting him fall on the hard ground with a heavy thud.

"... fucking kid, don't you dare die on me! Shit! Hey, wake the hell up! Hey!"

A small smile grace his lips, when he heard how frantic the man sounds. At least, someone cares, huh. Lyndon quietly thought, as darkness filled his consciousness. Funnily though, the dread he was feeling early this morning were slowly being replaced by emotions he can not understand...

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