One of the greatest treasure in life is friendship.
A true friendship cannot be bought.
It has to earn through honesty and trust.
True friendship is the one who gets you,understand you and listen to what you say and continue to stick together till the end.
They are the one who would give us a heart full of joy and make life a lot more fun.
They will never abondon us even when the rest of the world walks out from our life.
Nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.
They'll cry a river,built bridges over and let us cross when we are down.
All the time our human heart needs a friend,need a shoulder to lean on.
If you haven't learnt the meaning of friendship,you really haven't learnt anything in life.
November 21, 2015 - 13:34 That is so, so, true. Does the poem have a special meaning for you about some one?ben94
December 30, 2015 - 09:22 so sorry velantra for being late reply, was so busy for months.Yes i have a friend my childhood friend he is the one for me who always stood by me through thick and thin.He is my friend my inspiration.pies11
October 2, 2019 - 14:53 Hello i am miss Brenda i have private discusion with you via at(