Time flys

by Dogggy

Time moves so quickly
leaving behind the past
while we forget all the things
that were supposed to last.

We'll easily forget
places people and names
as we grow older
we wont remember all the games.

Time never delays,
Life just goes on,
Changes happen everywhere,
And nothing ever stays,
Ever stays the same.

As our life continues
certain things will remain
like cherished people in our hearts
and friends we were happy to gain.

Even though time moves so quickly
i could never leave you in the past
ill never forget our memories
i promise they will always last.

But now the time is almost here
when we must go our separate ways
no matter if your near or far, in my heart
your name forever stays _______________________Shravya.Goteti
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August 18, 2015 - 18:26 gooodddiiiie, i bet it is dedicated for someone. well written :D
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August 19, 2015 - 12:34 comment has been removed
Manoj Barman

Manoj Barman

August 18, 2015 - 18:54 well written


August 19, 2015 - 12:36 Thank u......

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