by BarbaraLWhiter

Картинки по запросу vacuum cleaner

No vacuum cleaner is immune from breakage. Failures in the work of this type of small household appliances can be different. For example, it can often be observed how the devices themselves are turned off. And in a number of cases they refuse to join at all. The reasons for this are very different. And although in most cases, to solve the problem without the help of a qualified specialist is unlikely to succeed, it is still worth knowing about the causes of the incident. At least in order to be able to react on time and correctly.

So, why does not the vacuum cleaner turn on and what to do about it?

The reasons why the vacuum cleaner can turn off or not turn on

There are different reasons why the vacuum cleaner does not work. But, as a rule, if it turns off or on the contrary refuses to turn on, then it's all about overheating of the nodes and individual parts of the mechanism of the device. But it is caused by the following factors.

1. The garbage bag or vacuum cleaner filters are clogged. If this happens, the device starts to heat up and, as a result, turns off. In this situation, you need to clean the bag and filters or replace them with new ones. Fortunately, a set of filters for a vacuum cleaner and other accessories for household appliances is not at all difficult to buy.

2. The flexible hose is clogged. Disconnect it from the device and check to see if any large object has fallen into it.

3. Poor contact. Sometimes the vacuum cleaner refuses to work for a very simple reason - the power cord is damaged. Carefully inspect the wire from all sides. You may be able to spot the damage.

4. Motor contamination or wear of its parts and components. So, the wire, filters, garbage bag and vacuum cleaner hose have already been checked, but the solution to the problem was not found. This means that the cause of the failure, most likely, lies in the engine of the device. Not being an experienced electrician, one should not even try to understand the situation. It is advisable to immediately seek help from qualified specialists. And the sooner repair begins, the faster and with fewer difficulties will manage to solve the problem.

What to do in case of a breakdown?

If the device suddenly turns off during operation or refuses to turn on at all, you should first find out - why the vacuum cleaner does not work. It does not matter what kind of vacuum cleaner it is - with a plastic container or aquafilter - in any case it is desirable to quickly sort out the situation and find the cause of the failure. And then - to respond accordingly.

What should I do if the vacuum cleaner does not turn on? Acting should be phased, trying and dismissing some options and gradually moving on to the next.

• First, check the outlet to which the appliance is connected. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in it. Plug the vacuum cleaner into another outlet. Check if it continues to work.

• Inspect the vacuum cleaner cord and plug. They should not be damaged. It is important that the plug is not melted, and the cord is not bent.

• Clean the filters of the device, change the garbage container, check the hose of the vacuum cleaner to see if a large object is inside it.

• If none of the above actions yield results, the reason why the vacuum cleaner does not turn on can only be due to engine malfunction. Therefore, it remains only to carry the device into a service, whose specialists diagnose the problem already at a professional level and will promptly solve it.

How to avoid premature failure of the vacuum cleaner?

To keep the vacuum cleaner as long as possible, it is important to ensure that its engine does not overheat. After all, this is the main reason for most failures. What to do in order to not then ask yourself - why does not the vacuum cleaner work?

1. Take care not to overload the unit. Do not let him work long without a break. Even if you need to vacuum a large space, turn off the device every 20 minutes, allowing the engine to cool down.

2. If you are using a vacuum cleaner with a dust bag, clean the dust box regularly, without waiting for it to fill completely. Reusable bags should also be washed regularly. The fact is that the dust deposited on them interferes with the free passage of air through the cloth of the bag, which again leads to an overheating of the engine of the device.

3. Do not forget to clean and change the filters of the vacuum cleaner. And remember that many devices have several filters. They require a regular replacement all.

And yet - at the first signs of overheating immediately turn off the vacuum cleaner and look for the cause of what happened. Do not use the machine if it overheats. Not all devices are protected against overheating. And this means that when the temperature of the engine rises, they immediately break down.

Ultimately, I would add, you have to choose a quality vacuum cleaner model. However, this does not mean that the vacuum cleaner must be expensive. There are cheap vacuums that are not inferior to expensive variants by quality.

How To Fix A Vacuum That Won't Turn On - Quick Easy Fix For Under £1.00 or $1.00

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