The Rich and the Poor

by bluesky
A rich man wanted to show his son how good it is to be rich. He decided to take his son to a nearby town and show how difficult the lives of poor people are.
They spent a day in a small place of a poor family.
When they returned from their trip, he asked his son:
- How was the journey?
‘It was good, Papa’, the son replied.
- Did you understand the difference between being rich and poor?
-‘Yes’, said the son.
-What did you learn, the father asked.
The son said:
- We have one dog at home. They have three. We have a pool that goes up to the center of the garden. They have a stream that has no end.
We have a covered and lighted entrance. They have a big open ground.
As he finished, his father stared, without asking anything.
And the little son, embracing his father lastly said:
‘Thank you, Father, today, you showed me how poor we are!’
This little son may have taught his father the best lesson of his life. It all depends on the way you look at things. The things that really matter are invaluable. 
Moral of the story:
If you have positive attitudes in life and also in good mood with good health, loving family and friends, you have all. If you are ‘poor in willpower’, you have nothing. 

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