The Lady with a million thoughts Part 4

by Mystery2nd
Her dad found some flats that were private for them , not government as they were new in the housing list. They started living together, but soon she begun to think that Richard had a serious problem with the alcohol, she spoke to him more than once but to no avail.
at 7 months and 1 week was born a lovely tiny baby, weighing only 4 pounds and 12 ounces,.
Richard was happy and went to hospital to meet his new son, but to Elaines surprise Richard came to hospital drunk saying with an excuse that he was celebrating his sons birth., Elaine did not know where to look , she was so disappointed but did not know what to do in that moment.
She finally got to go home . Richard was amazed and loved to watch the baby sleep but soon when the baby started to cry every one and half hours to be fed, he started to get angry ,he shouted to shut the baby up. Eight months went by and things were from bad to worse.
Richard was always out ,he came late home sometimes didnt even go back home after work and started having long drinking sprees with his friends and god knows with who else. Elaine became physically ill and worn up very bad, every night she was the only one that woke up to feed the baby, sometimes when the baby finally slept again , then Richard came home and was drunk ,, shouting and breaking house things and swearing badly, to the point that the baby woke up with all the commotion.

Elaine cried not knowing what to do , she never expected this to happen, they got along together fine before all this happened,
Richard told her more than once, come out with me he said like before , no she said ,, someone has to stay with the baby , just wait till weekend , she said,my mum will stay on the weekend with the baby , but he would not have any of that,,. Richard begun to get to think that she chose the baby over him,,he would just not understand they were a family now.
Richard became very violent towards her, and everything around him ..he punched the walls,broke the windows,threw the dinner plates on the floor and insulted Elaine, he even wished the lovely baby wasnt born..
Elaine cried and cried, she was so afraid of leaving him , she had just started to build a family. She tried her best at keeping the house clean and having dinner ready on time, tried to keep the baby happy too and tried not to miss appointments but she became severly depressed , afraid and lonely again. How could she tell her parents all that was happening or some of her lost friends, by then noone come by the house.
Many times Elaine hid in the closet when she heard the door key, knowing it was him not knowing how he was , how much had he drunk, with who had he been. Richard always had a bad temper, he would not bring his wages home, Elaine went hungry, just leaving a few pots of baby food for the baby ,, he threatened her with knifes on her neck, and kicked her out of bed. One night Richard went so mad that went he went home he broke the house , played the music full blast and pushed Elaine out the house at 4 in the morning, keeping the 1 year old with him.
Elaine cried as she kicked the door to get her son,, she feared for him,,she managed to kick and break the door , she made a hole, big enough to get back in the house, just to see that her husband had fallen asleep with the loud music still playing and the baby still crying on the cot., She switched the music of and got the baby and walked out the door, she sat on the patio steps with the baby, it was raining and raining and it was cold. she was so afraid of going back home that she spent the night their,,the baby slept, while she cried in disbelief.
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