Carey Landston had learnt the thrill of doing the impossible, but what was magic without love?
The storm that darkened the vast Massachusetts sky matched her mood perfectly. The streets, dark and brooding was alive with a bitter...
Growing up,I knew my brother to be a very serious man. A man who understands the thick line between Success and Failure..He was always willing to learn something new,whether abstract or real.. One of those things he had always wished to...
When I was a child, I dreamt of Prince Charming emerging from my dreams and rescuing me. He would fall in love with one look, and so would I, and then we would be married, and we'd stay together until we died. But all the princesses were...
I used to believe in fairy tales, and knight in shining armours, and princesses getting swept off by their princes and saving damsels in distress. But you disproved those ideas in my head when we were both sixteen.
It was one chilly sunday night and i stormed angrily into my house.I just discovered something concerning my birth in my mother's diary. It is one thing to discover a well kept family secret and it is another thing to discover that you are the...
May 12, 2015 - 11:03 excellent...Nelao Hamukoto
July 23, 2015 - 11:17 Thanks a lot..