Need of the hour.......Selfless Quality Leadership

by Beekay
In a world merely languishing in commercialism forfeiting humanism, every self’s mind has to constantly be reminded that a successful economic growth and progression claims cannot be devoid of human welfare which upholds the right to live with dignity for all. It needs qualitative selfless leadership born out love and compassion to fellow human beings.

Basic human rights for peaceful well being are never thought of unless the needy chases with demand motive in a lifetime to manipulative leaders with other priorities. In such moments of happenings in life around, the need of that hours are for every self to think of pristine pure leadership qualities which existed on this earth. Collective thoughts of the mass could lead to qualitative leadership to be born again for real freedom.

Mahathma (it is way of addressing him by the people with reverence as a great soul) Gandhi is a unique University of effective leadership qualities to the world in the pathway of sustained peace to attain freedom for all and human well being.

Mohandas (First name) Gandhi was a political and spiritual leader of India. Through a very noble approach of non-violence, civil protest, and peace, he helped to gain independence for the people. For him eternal patience and perseverance was beyond calculated time when it was to drive a noble message on to make a person listen and understand valuable substance of human life.

The sincere ability to reach across to all with compassion, has gained from the people of India with love the honor as the Father of the Nation. Non-co-operation, non-violence and peaceful resistance was the subtle and gentle way which made even hardcore mind to subdue and soften to accept his pleads for the cause of the mass.

His life inspired many stalwart likeminded leaders like Martin Luther King to go on non-violent movements for civil rights. Gandhi would employ non-cooperation, non-violence and peaceful resistance as his "weapons" in the struggle against authoritarian rule.

In simple terms leadership is defined as ability to inspire people to follow willfully. The leadership quality highlights of Gandhi were the true strengths born off compassion for the people through a wonderful pathway of peace and non-violence for their well being.

Albert Einstein’s message on Gandhi’s 75th birthday sums up the essential character of his leadership: “A leader of his people, unsupported by an outward authority, a victorious fighter who always scorned the use of force, a man of wisdom and humility who has confronted the brutality of authoritarians with the dignity of the simple human being and at all times risen superior….”

World leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Barack Obama were motivated by the dedicated qualitative approaches towards people, to express that Mahatma Gandhi remains as the ultimate leader, from whose life and thought there is so much that every one of us can learn and try to absorb in our lives to be a true leader of the people. The quote “Christ gave us the goals and Mahatma Gandhi the tactics.” – Of Dr. Martin Luther King J, shows the inspiration of Gandhi influencing the thoughts to lead people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. also said, “If humanity is to progress, Gandhism the thought is inescapable. He lived, thought, acted and inspired by the vision of humanity evolving towards a world of peace and harmony.

” Albert Einstein commented on Mahatma Gandhi as : “Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.”

Gandhi’s leadership may be best summed up in his own words written at the end of his Autobiography: “To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face one must be able to love the meanest of creation as oneself. And a man who aspires after that cannot afford to keep out of any field of life. That is why my devotion to truth has drawn me into the field of politics….those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means…..identification with everything that lives is impossible without self-purification; without self-purification the observance of the law of Ahimsa must remain an empty dream; God can never be realized by one who is not pure at heart.

Truth and non-violence was the strongest principles Gandhi upheld in life and lived a life which shows the virtues of such amazing human values. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could. In doing so, I have sometimes erred, and learned by my errors. Life and its problems have thus become to me so many experiments in the practice of truth and nonviolence.” When anyone talks about leadership, then one has to think about that “something extraordinary” Gandhi did for people on whole for the world leaders to learn and follow the true principles of leadership, which is awesome. It is beyond conducting a better meeting or being a leader to get elected to an office or how to conduct a bake sale, which most leaders adapt to do today. Gandhi was a leader trying to change the world order of political thinking, through hundred percent pure humanism, and well being of all. He was never ever in the comfort zone and proved it by literally walking in the lives of people, who made him their leader out of love and reverence.

The footprint of leadership qualities he has left for the world to emote is a sense of want to be there in every leader to be a part of creating equal justice, caring, and thriving world for the people. By inculcating human values at the prime objective of leadership qualities meaningful accomplishment could be seen by the world proving that fine qualities in him was the reason that made leaders understand that Gandhi as a leader could always do it better.

Unfortunately, many leaders are happy with the way things are and that is why nothing changes for the better leaving today’s world at cross roads facing piled up issues. Until the leaders of today starts thinking seriously about implementing Gandhi shaped world order of humanistic approach for human welfare of this world, peace would remain a question mark for centuries to come.

The most amazing trait with beauty Gandhi carried with pride was his true equal love for all human beings whether it was friend or foe not expecting anything from the recipients. The world saw the positive elements of being a revolutionary in approaches when he encountered the authoritarians for freedom as solution for human well being. Moral values of ethics were the great countering force energy which he believed for a nation to stand behind a leadership with extraordinary qualities. He remained as the lovable leader beyond politics for the people, without caring for a title or post or a party banner. To lead the public only for their good is what he followed which showed what the true meaning of selflessness to all is.

The dress code followed expressed his concern over the condition of the mass in country as to what they could afford. It projected the real thought in oneness with the people. In short Gandhi, with his honesty, revolutionary thinking, reasonability sense to respect other’s views and selfless yearning to serve the people was a word perfect fit to be a leader of Nation, setting example for world leaders to follow to lead their people. Gandhi is still the one and only leader who had all the very best of a human character, charisma, conscience, conviction, courage, communication, compassion, commitment, consistency, consideration, and contributing attitudes to serve people as a true leader. None can match the empathetic attitude in his character when listening to a person to understand perfectly others’ perspective in any situation, faith or belief. Only Mother Theresa equated the magnum of Gandhi’s compassion towards people.

Today’s mind promoted by commercialism pushing away human well being thoughts everyday leaving no room to think of the word ‘compassion’, may scorn at the seeds sown by such wonderful human beings. The ripples of such thought have only deprived the well being of the mass which forms the population of this world. Only a qualitative compassionate empathetic leadership can take care of the need of the hour making human rights meaningful and truthful beyond the laws framed to govern.
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