Love In Peace

by francred
And there she stood all in black and red in the nose,; a peck of white snow balance atop her nose. Sarah Micheal sniffed the umpteenth time and just stared. stared at the black sleek coffin gently being covered by ceaseless snow as it was deftly lowered into the freshly dug up earth and wondered what life held in store for her to have dealt her such a lethal blow. The snow fell in soft whispers about her and left her colder than the past moment, and worse, lonelier.
Impulsively, she fell into a deep reverie.
Once upon a time,.....
Love had been strong and certain, vibrant and loyal; and life had been one sure thing to savor and cherish. She basked in it. Finding and loving a man who in turn was hopelessly in love with her was not something anyone woke up in the morning wished for and got it by the end of the day or week, even month. but she had. She had been very lucky. Luck, indeed. As a pediatrician with great promise, she had all she wanted in life, until she had met Ernest Welp and he had realized how lonely and how deprived she had been. Falling in love had been slow but sure. She knew and had known she had been loved in return. marriage had been a candy-sweet. She had practically lived a cinderella story.
Until one night she had returned to find her husband lying crumpled by the sofa and had rushed the mobile phone in her pocket for 911. It hadn't taken much time, but it had taken enough. Finally, Ernest was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. It had taken more than a jar of coffee to resuscitate Sarah. It had taken Ernest six months - to leave her all alone and in black and tears. her life had as it were, come to an abrupt halt. her head still reeling from the adverse effect.
Now all she had was nothing but nothing. All she did was listen to her heart cry and break. Let it be known that Sarah Michael's life has come to an abrupt agonizing end.
She watched as dust fell and landed upon the lowered casket, concealing it till there was nothing but freshly unearthed earth. People started leaving, dropping their condolences as they did, yet Sarah stood. As if in wait. her mind never coming around to understanding what had really happened, or why.
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