your born. then what?
strangers come and go out of your life.
you question yourself,you will never find answers
your character is yours to play out till you die.
nobody can switch and be someone else.
those thoughts you have when you are alone.
are they encouraging or the opposite?
you become fearful, fearful of your same species.
you live for them now, everything you do is about them.
they put you down, you push your self to prove them wrong.
you lose yourself in the process, now your
just an actor waiting for the director to tell you
go and change and walk like this and smell like her
and behave like this...
if you were writing a book about yourself, about your life
which chapter would reflect your true soul. the last chapter or the first.
for some people they understand life early in their life.
they take control and live how they see fit. how they need to be
some it hits them late in life, when all opportunities are gone.
when the skies are dark, no light, just an image of them.
stuck and fearful.
the good news is, life means your alive.
you are still breathing. you still have a shot, just one shot to
free yourself from your cage. you have the locks, use them
and free your soul. we are made in the same image
but everything else is different. realize what you are. what you are capable of.
we all have something we are good at, something that you do and you are
completely at piece.
take pride in yourself, in your home, in your abilities and in your once in a lifetime life.
you have nothing to lose...