Kids Birthday Party Games Can Add Fun to The Party

by lyonguff

One of the kids birthday party games that really sounds silly is the one about having to eat donuts off the washing line. First of all, you need to tie long strings to cinnamon donuts, and then tie the strings to the washing line or another raised horizontal piece of string so that the donuts are hanging in midair. Now tie the guests’ hands behind their backs. Their goal is to be the first one to eat the entire donut. This sounds easy, but it’s actually very difficult with your hands tied behind your back. The kids will have great fun playing this game, which is a favorite out of many of the more popular children's birthday party games, as said at

The dress up game. The dress up game is another fabulous kids birthday party game that always results in peals of laughter. All of the kids will take turns rolling a die. When someone rolls a six, they have to put on a series of silly pieces of clothing, such as a scarf, a bow tie, and a hat, and then attempt to cut up a block of chocolate using a knife and a fork. Whatever they cut off, they get to eat. They get to keep cutting and eating until the next person rolls a six. When that happens, they have to take off the clothes and give them to the next lucky person.

More Kids Birthday Party Games to Consider

Giant’s treasure. With this game, one of the older kids birthday party games, one person is designated the giant. They stand at one end of the room or the backyard with their back turned to everyone else. At their feet is a box or bucket full of “treasure”. Everyone else has to try to sneak up to the treasure while the giant’s back is turned. However, when the giant turns to face the others, anyone who is caught moving is sent out of the game. The idea is to get to the treasure and win the prize without being caught moving by the giant.

When it comes to older birthday games for kids party, pin the tail on the donkey is one of those games. This is an oldie but a goodie. This game involves pinning up a large picture of a donkey or another animal. Participants are then blindfolded and spun around. They are given a “tail” that they are supposed to pin on the donkey where a real tail should go. This game is always silly and hilarious, and it’s fun to watch kids play it. You can also mix it up by using pictures of things other than donkeys. For example, you could try pinning a nose on a celebrity.

There are many kids birthday party games that you can play with your kids and your guests. However, try to make sure that they are age appropriate, and that they will suit the particular guests at your party.

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