If Were Not From This "Book", You'll Be Eaten

by rlordklebe
A white guy named Edward, 27 years of age, who loves hiking was given opportunity to climb up one of the isolated mountainous ares in the South East Pacific Region. The area was open only to those who are given the chance and at this time it was Edward's.

He is so self-reliant, sophisticated, techie, and his motto is "there is nothing to fear!" He only believe in his self nothing more nothing else.

The day of the adventurous, dangerous, and exciting hike has come and Edward was not able to sleep the night before because of joy.

As he climb the mountain while enjoying the natures blessing, he arrived on a open place, where sunlight shines direct, there are plenty of huts. "Natives", he whispered slowly. He started to walk passing by some huts, on his right women are arranging there harvest, mixed fruits and vegetables, on his left men carrying logs while leaving the place, then on his front children smiling and laughing at him. Edward was irritated because of the smell, for him its like hell. He felt gross right after, he realized the filthiness of the people around, his personality and background started to deflect the environment.

As he continued to walk he saw not so far from the place an old cave, it caught his interest. He started to walk at fast pace, then suddenly on his right peripheral view he saw something, he stopped, "books" he said. In his mind he said that "so these people were studying", he continued to walk. It was not his main objective, he first thought that he need to get out of that place right away but he was diverted. He's almost near the entrance of the cave when he saw a man sitting and reading beside. He came closer and the man greet him, "Hi!", being surprised he responded, "yo!" Then he noticed what kind of book the man is reading, he barely laugh but manage to stop himself and started to talk to the man, "Mister, why are you reading that book? You know in our place people don't read that because it has no value at all." The man stood up and entered the cave, Edward followed him. When they reached the end of the cave Edward saw a pile of skulls and bones and started to tremble. Then the man speak, "kid, before that I haven't able to read this book we have loved white people like you, see these bones and skull, they are once like you, you know what we did to them? We ate them." Edward look at floor with shame then the man told him, "be thankful kid, if were not from this Book, you'll be eaten."

Then the man give the book to him and went outside. The name was facing him as it was shining like gold, it says there - Holy Bible.
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