Her Sweet Revenge

by Lea Ebio
They simply call me the bitch.
Well I had a christian name but they prefer to call me whatever names they desire. Ha! F*** them! But I will have my revenge...you'll see. I'll be the one who will end up walking with the air of triumph; and they will be licking their wounds.
My name is Ellia. Strange name...I guess it suits me; I'm a strange girl. 
"Hi, Ellia!"
It was my friend Anna, the only friend I ever had. She had blue eager eyes and super straight jet black hair. Oh, don't ask me how I look, I definitely look plainer in contrast to her. I have huge brown eyes (I wish it were just black), and my long wavy black hair that never seems to behave the way  I wanted hung loosely behind my ears despite my futile attempts to tie them. Yah, that's me.
Well, enough about my looks! I'm definitely not an eye-catcher, except maybe to the tons of bullies around school.
"Hey, bitch! Step aside!" Fiona, the most popular girl in school snarled at us as she walked near where me and Anna is standing. She was followed by four trying hard girls, trying hard to be popular, and two boys who seemed under Fiona's spell. They followed her around like loyal dogs. And they all looked at us like we're a pile of smelly trash.
"Don't mind them, Ellia," Ana whispered to me while glaring at the backs of the "snob" of the campus.
"I'm trying hard." I swallowed a lump in my throat. Students like them were just a few example, there are still more judgemental creatures around campus which she had luckily evaded. But not for long.

Mrs Camp looks around sharply at us. Her eyes gleamed dangerously behind those thick eye-glasses of hers. Today was oral recitation day. I studied, but not much. So I was nervous as hell because wether I like it or not-- this is a requirement I can't evade.
"Ms Cruz!" I froze. I'm the only Cruz in this classroom. I swallowed hard and stand up apprehensively. I looked around and saw the triumphant faces of my classmates. Crap! Everybody wants to see my downfall. "How many islands does Philippines have?"
Crap! Crap! Crap! I'm bad at memorizing numbers, "Er-", I tried stalling for time, and my classmates started laughing. I'm feeling hot and cold all over. Humiliation is one of my biggest fear.
"Miss Cruz?" Our professor asked again with inquiring look at me. "Everybody quiet!" she said in her most commanding voice, and instantly, the room grew silent (except for a few snickers). It was  Donna Lim, the reigning 'Miss University'. She was looking at me with the most malicious smile. I want to spit on her immaculately painted face someday!
"I'm sorry ," I said meekly, biting my lower lip in shame. "I don't remember the answer," I said in almost a whisper, head bowed in shame.
Mrs Camp looked at me a moment with undiscernable expression before finally saying, "You may take your seat Miss Cruz."
"What a shame," I heard Donna whispers from her seat and everyone take that cue to laugh at me again. I feel so bad I want to cry,my cheeks were burning red from shame.
"Miss Lim, I suppose you could answer the question before I proceed?" Mrs Camp look at her with a questioning look and everyone grew silent again including .
'Hah! Serves her right asshole face!' I thought feeling a little victorious.
As I turned to look outside, I caught Luke's eyes looking at me. What goes on in his mind, I can't tell. Except for being the 'campus crush number #1' and the lead vocalist/ guitarist in the schools band, I know nothing of him.
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