Trees grrow fast, Faster and fastest.....................
It's Friday evening,10 March,2015
Angela was studing hard as her half yearly exam was knocking the door(here, her exam was knocking the door means her exam is near.)She was writing and memorizing some of her lessons....
Story of a lady who turned into bugs.........................................................
.... But mostly I really hate how it wouldn’t even cross your mind that I love you [and yet I do].
Ramisa Anjum
September 11, 2015 - 05:21 awsomeDanielBergmann
October 11, 2018 - 17:37 Ich bin so froh zu wissen, dass Leute wie du noch existieren. Du bist so weise und hast die Gedanken brilliant geteilt! Ich würde auch gerne Ihre Meinung über roulette gewinne wissen, weil Sie eine Person sind, die ich wirklich respektiert habe.