Dear daddy you are the most wonderful person in the world.
Your love is bigger than everything else.
You are not only my dad but my best friend.
Like an open book you can read my mind.
You have always been my pillar when i knew i'd fall.
You goes on quietly working for me.
Through the good times and bad times you have always stood by me.
I have never lost hope when all my hoped seems to vanish cause i have learnt so much from you.
You taught and guide me through every obstacle i face.
You made everything good that was once bad.
You may not be the world's hero but for me you're my special hero.
I am the person i am today because you let me be.
You're a Heaven sent blessing to me.
I love you dad for all the wonderful deeds you have shown me!
September 29, 2015 - 17:52 Very sweet poem. Thanks fro sharing it!ben94
September 30, 2015 - 10:36 thank you purpletears for your appreciation.Velantra
October 24, 2015 - 15:06 This is very beautiful, you are lucky to have such a great dad.Sharmishtha Shenoy
October 25, 2015 - 06:19 Beautiful! I miss my dad even now and even more though he died 5 years back