Isn't it strange how all things that are sweet have a tinge of bitterness in them? Listed here in this art are a few peculiarities that can drive a mind into a whirlpool of wonder; spiraling into a world of questions - enjoy and please comment!!!
Adolescence versus reality. The world of toys and football is displaced by the discovery of a strange creature - girls! Witness the pain of the transformation from childhood to teenage hood.
What could be more wonderful than an oxymoron, or the fact that a coin has two sides? I mean isn't it wonderful when something thought to be purely one thing shows an opposing side; a beautiful side - making it seem out of place? Enjoy!
It's not me I'm writing about but it's about the amazing strength of patience that will not relent. Patience once described by William Shakespeare as "Patience that waits upon a monument" - How long would you wait for dead love?
Can beauty be seen in it's most smallest unit? Like the individual coloured threads in a carpet, can we see the beauty of each one or only in a collective sense? The stars at night can tell of this, enjoy and please comment
Are all lies a wicked egress? Perhaps lies can be a comfort when the reality is too dark to accept. A fabrication of fantasy could be the only way to soothe or combat the ever frightening reality! Enjoy and please comment
Is there something in our infant years that makes us grow up differently; separates the strong from the weak, the valiant from the cowardly? What makes us the way we are? Or was it something from our mothers' milk??? Enjoy and please comment