Bad behavior in church

by Stredwick
Bad behavior in Church
a short story by Austin Mitchell

I was in church one day when I saw these three men and two women. The two men were brothers. The two women were neighbors and best friends. The other man was a police Corporal. The man preaching the service was a lay preacher. All five of them laid into the preacher.They accused him of not being any good and that he didn't know what he was talking about. He was of course condeming the drinking of alcohol and lewd behavior. At last the service was over and they flew out out of the church. I passed all five of them in a bar a little later on. I knew that was what they were upset with the preacher about. He didn't want to finish the service so that they could go and drink liquor.
When my mother died the church pastor warned us that he didn’t want anybody there smoking. He said that a couple of months ago a funeral service was help there for a young man. He was surprised at the number of young men at the back of the church hall puffing away. Fortunately nothing like that happened on this occasion.
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