3 idiots which I dated together

by singh shefali
I always wanted to be the best.i wanted to be a common name among people. Specially boys.i always possessed power of attraction.indeed I was a magnet.many males were always attracted to me.there was a phase when I couldn't resist being single.sometime after I got 3 relationship offers and accepted them.i was enjoying more because all over distance relationships. No intimacy.they threw their heart on my looks. With anyone. I managed my studies too.but none of my boyfriend came to know about my any two other relationship. Two guys were among them were best friends. I had a lot of non veg talks but never said -I Luv you.etc etc
O freak .I was too desperate. Though, I enjoyed as they spend on me lots of money.i was too happy. Third guy used to bring chocolates, flowerz, gifts for me.i just spent hia a lot of money.afterall he was rich.i wanted to break his so xalled ego which i really never ever liked .When got bored of all broke up with all.became single again. But it's a fact heart is needed only for pumping blood in human body. It is not fir feeling any feelings for anyone. Work of mind is to think. Use it.which I did
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