
by BaoTin123

One young detective is on the way to find out the murderer who is striking in the Republic City.


by Teddy Kimathi

Dr. Wyle Miles, a prominent physicist working in the fields of plasma energy research, has been murdered in cold blood. Sam, an FBI agent, is undercover to solve the murder case.

Killer Phantasm

Killer Phantasm
by neonip

It took me a long time to write this. Please x5 tell me what you think about it. Thanks.

Sewn Shut.

Sewn Shut.
by Dravench

We spent months tracking this psychopath who murdered hundreds of children in the span of just two months. We found him in the most unexpected place.




by anhsirk

Am writing this story outline for making movie.. This is a small idea to make a short movie from me ....

Opening scene:...