Who am I?

by Velantra
Who am I?
Sharmishta asked me….

I am myself,
I am sweet,
I am gentle,
I am caring.

Be compassionate to me,
And I will be compassionate to you.

I like to laugh,
I love being cheerful,
I have a passion for animals,
It makes me upset seeing animals suffer or wounded.

I adored and love my dogs tremendously,
I have a passion for Gorillas,
They are lovely animals,
And they make me cry,
Why I don’t know………

I love my family,
I pray that they will have trust in me to grow into a good writer.
I lost two sisters-in-law in two years to cancer, they were beautiful persons it is sad....

My mom died to early,
She was only 79,
We did not get along.

When I divorced my husband,
I stayed with her and my sister,
Only then we started to connect and appreciate each other.

I have three brothers and one sister,
I love them all profoundly,
They are much older than me.

I have a treasured and affectionate husband,
And a beautiful daughter,
And a comical little dog, named Tessa.

She Is actually a tad ugly, and that makes her pretty cute.
She looks like my little teddy bear.

I have almost a 100 teddy bears; I love to collect them.
I have travelled to a few places in the world.

I was in New York, Washington and Kansas City.
Disney World......
I like New York; it truly never sleeps.

I went to Italy twice,
it is my second favourite place in the world.
I have seen Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Iceland.

I have seen Mauritius twice,
I have been to Zanzibar; it is my favourite place in the world.

I have been to Hamburg once,
A few times to London, as my nephew lives there.

I have been to Botswana a few times.
It is a gorgeous country,
I enjoy watching the wild animals.

My dream is to visit, The Gorillas,
The Serengeti,
The Grand Canyon,
And Las Vegas, (I don't gamble)
I would love to go to Zanzibar again...

I have the best sister in the world,
She supports us in everything we do,
When any of us require something, she is always there to help.

She is like me, she has a tender and generous heart,
Her husband, my brother-in-law is a virtuous and compassionate person.

My brothers?
Boys, will be boys....
Though they are more than 17 years older than me....

I am Velantra,
I love to write,
I have been wishing since school, that I can make it my only passion in life.

I love to create with my hands,
Make jewellery,
Flower decorating,
Interior design,
Cook, make any kind of cuisine,
My mind is flooded with ideas........
If I could only afford to follow my dreams...

I am me..........
I am Velantra.
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Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

November 13, 2015 - 16:41 Love you Velantra


November 13, 2015 - 18:24 Thank you, love you too, and thanks for the up vote and adding it to your favourites. xxxx
Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

November 15, 2015 - 11:02 No issues Velantra you are an interesting person to know! By the way I did not like Vegas as i think it is absolutely artificial. Liked the Grand Canyon though

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