This Time

by purpletears
As she slowly opened up her big blue eyes eyes, Mary´s heart got filled with a tender feeling of happiness. The sun was warming up her skin, awaking every single one of her pores. It was the first day of a new life for her. A new path was in front of Mary, giving her an opportunity to recover from any past mistakes. After spending long years in the darkness, someone caring helped her to get back on track with her life, and she was more tan determined to put this opportunity to good use. So, she took a deep breath and walked out the old door of her house. Outside, there was a whole new world waiting for her, and her young heart was aching to begin a new adventure. There was nothing to lose and a lot to gain. So, she went back to those enormous streets that scared her for such a long time. Yes, it was a little bit strange to be walking on those same streets where her life was almost put to a sudden end. But this time, she wasn´t scared. This time, she wasn´t alone. This time, a good soul was waiting for her.
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