The fake happy dream..

by M smiles

Marly steps into Elly's room. Her room was a mess. Ellys gone on her school trip and she'll be back for the next week.

While Marlys cleaning her sister's room, she found her journal under one of those pile of clothes. She intend to read it. just a sneek peek she thought..


'on my tenth birthday,

i had to come home late from school because of Mrs,naggy-pants gave me a detention for not doing my experiment project. i told her why i didn't do it but she wouldn't believe me. says its too legit.

But this time, i ain't lying.. i told her,yesterday i was saving a poor kitten by a bunch of bullies. What they did to it was terrible. yesterday i was going to buy some snacks at exactly 7:45pm then i was curious when i saw a group of boys laughing madly down on a bucket. so i went near them to see what were they so crazy about. and that i saw a black kitten was soaking wet in it. meowing with non-stop. the boys didn't noticed i was standing behind them observing the moment. then one of them lit up match and threw it into the bucket. i turn scared. the kitten got on fire! thats why it was wet. its wet with oil!. i think fast and pull out my mineral water from my bag then immediately pour it into the bucket. one of the boys pushed me to the ground. good thing i brought my butterfly knife. the boys ran away when i literally act like a possesed patient with a weapon.

I realized i actually cried holding the kitten. thank god its not dead but most of its fur were burned off and injured. lastly i had to send it to clinic....'

Marly turn to other pages on journal. it seems all of these diary she wrote was about her birthdays..


11:45pm,today is my eighth birthday and i got a beutiful,adorably,female goldfish. and it died 5 hours ago. my sister was pissed after i told her about it. i never meant it though. i once told her i couldn't take care of living creatures. and now shes blaming me. and she still pissed even the funeral of my goldfish had passed 5 hours ago.....'

Marly heard her phone rang. it was Elly. she told her not to tidy up her room and as an weak excuse, she said she wanted to clean it herself beacause shes afraid if the ghost will be angry.

Marly suddenly remembered when her sister told her about the ghost she just said on the phone two years ago. she guarantee elly first told her about it on her birthday too.

She also remembered elly told her not to answer any phone calls from her. but she did, and nothing happened. she missed her..

"Marly?" Elly called her name at the front door of her own room.

"yea Elly?"

"Dinners ready! come on downstairs." Elly said.

they ate at the dinning table. talking and laughing happily like a happy family. well even though its only left the two of them. Marly had to move on when they are gone.

"You have to move on when they are gone" Elly said to her sister.

"what?" marly startled. its like she just read her mind.

"you have to move on when they are gone marly" she said it again. with the same tone.

Then their surrounding suddenly turns blurry. marly couldn't focus with sister's face is fading. everything turns dark and qiuet.

Marly opened her eyes and see herself on a different sofa.

"Marly, you are now awake. drink this glass of water. you'll be fine" the physiatrist puts hands marly the water.putting down her pen.

"what happened?" marly asked. in confusion. she felt like waking up from her dream world.

"you have told me everything you see in your mind. you're going to be find marly. your condition is getting stable."

marly didn't say word. she stood there in silence.

"marly..evrybody have to move on dear, its not about they leave you alone in this unfair world,its about how long you keep them in your heart. as long you remember them, they will guide you and make you stronger." the physiatrist adviced her.

Marly stood in silence while thinking of what she said. starting from this moment, she will be starting a new life, and move on..
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DEAR READERS: Before you read this, turn on this song while reading it along (paste (LINK)>>>