SUNSHINE in the RAIN :))

by Mie Mie ♥♥♥
What is the most important thing to do in life?

Do not disturb yourself by thinking of the whole of your life.Life is full of difficulties.But don't despise life.Human life is an opportunity to learn and grow.You have lessons to learn and develop your wisdom.If you don't learn deeply you have to come back again to learn.All difficulties you are going through are very meaningful if you have the RIGHT attitude and proper perspective.You must help others to live a meaningful life and there are others who will help you.We must help each other.So,please don't think all these difficulties are meaningless. We cannot go around; we must to go through.

Things will never be perfect in life.Better not to expect perfection.I am not perfect: I will never be, and i don't expect that.

"The times when you are wounded are often times when, out of these wounds, come new thoughts new possibilities."


I have suffered a lot and I suffer now, but I suffer calmly, with dignity. I take suffering as a part of my life, a very important part.How can I learn anything if I don't suffer? But I stay calm when I suffer.Who would believe that I have deep suffering? I don't think that there should be no suffering: I don't think that there is something wrong because there is suffering: I don't think I should remove suffering: I do not try to overcome suffering, but I try to make suffering meaningful: I try to understand suffering deeply.NO Resistance.I am not depressed, agitated.I only hope that I am wise enough to understand suffering and life.

We have hard lives.So, we learn a lot from more than easygoing people.My life is very hard too.Anyway I like it.I have learnt quite a lot: feeling,seeing,and learning deeply.If you are mindful, suffering makes you see things very deeply.I don't want a carefree life,nor do I want to live superficially,but I do not want to know all about life and suffering.

Most people live their life very superficially. They are born into a society and they live the values into which they are born:they are caught up in that society.You have to be very clear about what you want from life in order to create your own value and live it.Even when you create your shown value, you must keep on looking into it and see whether it is realistic,see how it affects your mind.Living your life is an art.There is no formula.You must always be alert and creative.Once you lose creativity you are as good as dead.Creativity in living once's life is so rare.No wonder people behave like robots!No one they have no joy.

All of us has ups and downs.It is important to see them objectively.
To take my life one moment at a time.Not to think too much and confuse my mind.To accept life as it is and also to be ready to any moment.They say life is hard.Its even hard for those who don't need to work.But still you can be cheerful and learnt a lot from your life.And even if you prefer you can go out of this round existence.

Do whatever is possible at the moment.NOTHING LASTS FOREVER! Things will change,possibly for the better if you stay clear and calm, but if you get agitated and run like crazy you will disturb the situation.
All things that happened to my life brought me here, to this point.I forgive myself and everybody, and I am thankful to all of them for what they have done to me or for me.
We feel hurt as if we are still that little boy or girl.To accept the inevitable is very important for peace of mind.I am grateful to life;it has taught me so much.I want to live a long life so that i can learn more :)

Life isn't so bad. T times it can be really peaceful, blissful,but i don't want another in my life. I understand myself and others and life deeper.To understand is the main thing in my life.I have less cravings fir things, which made my mind lighter.No desire to do anything great.Just trying to live my life with the least amount of pain and with the most understanding.A am doing what I can.Not taking anything too seriously. Everything which arises passes away.Nothing really happens the way we want it.So it is better not to worry too much: not to insists that it should happen the way we want itespecially with people--they have their own mind,their own preferences.
So many things have happened in my lifetime.People have suffered so much because they take things too seriously,not knowing that it is not worth the trouble.

I want you to know that whatever happens, its OK.We can let go of anything.Death seems closer as we grow older.

I will die.We will die.We dont when,where or how.Everything passes away.Its not worth getting too attached to anything .

I just hope that you know what you want to do with your life.Do something that will help you feel happy all your life, UNTIL YOU DIE ♥♥♥

-Noemie24 ♥

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February 20, 2015 - 03:44 hi! what a nice essay! good job ! keep it up !! godbless you :))

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