Part 6 - The Slither Empress

by M.D Khamil
The black thorny vines quickly held Arthilis arms and legs tight, and slowly covered his entire body except for his head. The thorny vines caused cuts and nicks on the former God’s body. Something shadowy moved toward Arthilis from the dark. Soon after, a tall figure showed in front of him, two thin arms with sharp claws, two glowing yellow eyes, skin covered with dark scales, no legs but stood tall nearing the God on its serpent like body, slithering like its kind. The creature was a female, oval shaped head with hair full with those black thorny vines, alive.

“What are you doing here? Or better what are you? There’s no human can stand till after their skin getting punctured with my vines.” Said the creature.
“You. Are you the one the Mayans worshiped in the past?” asked Arthilis.
“Funny. How did you know that story? Yes I was the one they seek for. Stupid humans. They were fool to think I would spare them for little sacrifices they did to feed me. I don’t feed on flesh. I feed on souls.”
“So you killed them by sucking their souls? For what? That’s how you treat your people for treating you Godly?”
“My people? I never considered them as one. Filthy creatures. And for what you says? Hahahaha! For immortality of course! In fact I was still sleeping in satiety in my chamber until you woke me up with that loud landing impact! You broke into my home, there must be something that you want. Also . . . I could not smell any soul from you. What are you human?”
Arthilis summoned the fire within him and the vines burned to dust, releasing himself from the tight wrapped. His body has many dark spots, the vines was poisonous. But it didn’t affect Arthilis at all. The heat erased and dried up all the poisons from his body. The creature was shocked seeing what the former God just did.

“You! What the hell are you!” said the creature.
“Not important. Now, tell me about the weapon.”
“The weapon? Hahahahahaha!”
“Let’s do this without doing anything stupid okay? I’m asking you in a good way. So now, do you want it as an easy way or hard way?”
“Easy way . . . . . . In your dreams!” The creature attacked Arthilis with thousands thorny vines whipping and wrapping around him. With that amount of vines attacking, Arthilis was slowing down, plus if the poison spread quickly it may cost him his life. With the new power that had just recovered within him, he transformed into hot blazing human like form. Only it has no flames around but looking like a hot metal being heated up with red color. Anything that touches the former God burned to dust. Arthilis, quick as a cheetah ran toward the creature and punched her on her torso. She screamed in agony as the lower part of her body slowly rotting to ashes, leaving only the upper side of body. She was gasping for air, but still manage to give a fight by shoving her poisonous sharp claws toward Arthilis’s chest. But it was futile, her claws were melting and in returned she lost both of her arms. She screamed harder.
“Where’s the weapon?”
“It’s not a weapon. It’s a . . .” The creature was dying and coughing.
“It’s a what?”
“It’s a gem. Inside my hair . . .” The creature died and let loose of the last breath. Arthilis, back to his normal form, rummage through the creature’s thorny vines hair and found the gem stuck inside. It was the source of her power. He plucked it out and the the creature’s head exploded to dust.
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