
by purpletears
Faye knew what she was doing was wrong in so many levels. But she didn’t want to be right. His love made her feel really happy, so, there was no use in denying it. She fell in love with a young human, defying all the laws that ruled the lives of the guardians of the forest. The elders of the town were really angry at Faye, but she couldn´t care less about it. She was more than determined to fight every day to keep by her side that wonderful man.
He showed her the complex world of human feelings, so complex even for a smart faerie like her. There was more to life than always being bound to a dark forest. Giving up her beautiful wings was hard for her, but Faye was sure it was worth it. Now she had by her side some who really cared about her. The stormy nights suddenly a little less scary than before, now that she was safe in the arms of an strong gentleman. Maybe she couldn´t breathe new life into dried plants anymore, but the love she was feeling was really magical. Just a little touch of the person she loved was enough to help heal her tired heart.
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