Lonely Shadow

by purpletears
Dancing slowly to its own beat, the shadow kept moving. Did somebody notice its existence? Now, long gone were those hours when the sun was the king of everything, giving humans some kind of hope. When there is no light around you, you can only trust in yourself. “Maybe that´s why some humans seem dislike me. They never want to be reminded of the darkness”, thought the little shadow. And suddenly, a strange kind of sadness turned the shadow blue. What was the point of living, if everybody feared its presence? What was the point of existence, if nobody loved you?
But as these sad thoughts hit the shadow, moon came out, giving every single thing a pale silvery tone. Everything looked calmer than ever. There was no reason to be afraid. Those gentle moon beams reminded the shadow that it wasn´t alone in the world. The darkness loved it more than anyone in the world. What if those humans couldn´t love or understand it? At least, the always gentle darkness gave it love in the purest of the ways; without questions or any silly restraints.
The shadow kept dancing, but this time, without that blue tone that used to cover it. A little bit of love changed everything.
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