Is your insecurities hiding the True YOU?

by smithxav

What if you could be anyone else. Who would you most want to be? It doesn't matter if it is someone who lived in the past or someone who is still alive? Why would you like to be this person, which qualities does this person have that you wish you had? What have this person achieved in life that you wish you could achieve? If you can take time out to write it down in a list and look at it closely then you will discover that what keeps you away from becoming the person that you really want to be is your insecurities. It may even be that you do not want to be someone else, but you would like to be a better version of yourself, but your insecurities prevent you from living the life and exposing the abilities that is currently laying dormant within you.

Now let's think about the last gift that you gave a loved one. Did you gift wrap the gift? How did you do it, was it in a box and you gift wrapped it with the box or did you first take it out of the box and then gift wrapped it, why? Why do we gift wrap presents/gifts at all? Sometimes there is more joy in the anticipation of unwrapping the gift than there is in the gift itself. Did you ever see anyone reusing gift wrap? It's highly unlikely as people normally rip off the beautiful wrapping just to get to the gift. Whether it's the most expensive gift wrapping or the cheapest, the most beautiful or just plain ugly, people always get excited about unwrapping their gifts. You see in essence the wrapping doesn't matter, the box doesn't matter, it's the gift that counts. How do you feel when you watch your child, partner, friend, grandchild open their gifts? When you watch their eyes light up and the huge indescribable smile on their face, does it make you smile, does it make you happy?

What if I told you that the same thing happens when God watches you unwrap your insecurities and get to the gift that he wrapped up deep inside of you. When you "tear" through your insecurities to reveal your true self to the world. So much so that when others are faced with the question of who they would like to be - the first person that springs to mind is you. Notice that I said "tear" through your insecurities, because you never want to reuse them, you never want to re-wrap the gifts that you give to your children in those insecurities that you were wrapped up in.

We are all gifts from our Creator, given to the world that we live in. You can live your life gift-wrapped or you can unwrap yourself and give the world the true gift that is you. So take time out of your busy life and identify the insecurities that you need to tear through. There is no secret formula for tearing open a gift, you don't have to buy your child a book or send them to a special college or take them to a psychologist to learn how to rip open their gifts, the same with you insecurities, you do not need special skills to get rid of them just rip them apart and be the best you that you can be. You will not gift wrap gifts that you give to your children in a way that makes it impossible for them to unwrap, would you?

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