Carotid and Radial Pulse

by codyferrell00
This essay is about taking two different pulse’s; Radial and Carotid. It will be explained how to take the radial pulse and what considerations you should have when taking one. It will also be stated how to take a carotid pulse. With a carotid pulse there is some steps needed to take to achieve an accurate reading. There are some points in the NASM Personal Training Textbook that are to be discussed on what needs to be considered when taking the carotid pulse.
The radial pulse is located on the radial artery. The radial artery is at the wrist over the radius. To take this pulse pointer finger and the middle finger must be used only. When the pulse is felt hold the fingers over it for sixty seconds, or one minute. Record the pulse over the course of three days. When you record the pulse make sure to write the date, time, and which arm was used.
One of the things you have to make sure to consider when taking a radial pulse is the gentle touch. If the pulse is taken with a rough touch it may be inaccurate due to the pressure. Make sure the patient or client is calm when taking the pulse. If the patient or client talks or moves the pulse may be deemed inaccurate. When the pulse is taken over the course of three days it must be taken at the same time everyday for complete accuracy.
The carotid pulse is located at the neck. The pulse is over the carotid artery. You place your pointer finger and middle finger in the area between the carotid artery and sternocleidomastoid. Once the pulse is found it must be held for sixty seconds. The pulse should be taken over the course of three days. As well as the radial pulse, it must be recorded with the date, time, and which side was used.
When this pulse is taken it must be gentle due to the fact it is over a major artery. Also, too much pressure may cause an inaccurate reading. If there is too much pressure it can decrease the heart rate and the blood pressure. The pressure can cause dizziness and fainting. The client or patient must be calm when taking this pulse. They should not be talking, chewing gum, or moving in anyway. When the tests are over the course of three days the should be taken at the same time for accuracy.
In conclusion the radial pulse is taken at the wrist over the radial artery. When taking the radial pulse it should be gentle, the client must be calm, and the tests should be taken at the same time for three days. The carotid pulse is taken at the neck on the carotid pulse. This pulse should also be taken over the course of three days at the same time each day. This pulse needs to be taken gently since it’s over a major artery. If there’s too much pressure it may cause an inaccurate reading, dizziness, or even fainting. When taking this pulse, or any pulse, the client should remain calm with little to no movement and should not be talking or chewing gum. When taking any pulse remember that you should only take the pulse for sixty seconds, which is one minute.
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