A Page from the Life of Two Spirits.

by Surinam27
‘What is there in Germany? Only roads, rivers, rich and poor people, cats and dogs’. Ramu’s grandfather did not like his grandson’s love for the Western world. Ramu was dreamy, intelligent, but sometimes lazy, and for him Europe was heaven. He avidly watched movies from the West, read a lot of English books and dreamt about migrating to his dreamland, Germany. In his opinion, Germans were the best in science and technology, sports, beauty and general ability. His homeland India, for him was not right in many ways.

Thousands of miles away in Germany, Claudia Pfaff, a fourteen year old girl was growing up with a very noble mental make up, showing interest in religion and philosophy. She had a lot of questions about life, death, and what lies beyond. She felt that material wealth and prosperity might not make her happy as they were not permanent. She longed to be spiritually enlightened and to find eternal happiness.

When Claudia joined college, she opted Sanskrit as the major and studied Indian philosophy in detail. She longed to go to India and settle there near a temple. But she also respected her parent’s feelings and decided to postpone her dreams.

Both these two wonderful kids grew up and life did not turn to be so easy for both. Ramu had to settle for a teacher’s job in his native village and there in Germany, Claudia had to be busy with her family affairs. Ramu also had studied religion in his youth, and he decided to be as pure as possible.

Eighty years of life was what both of them got and the final moment came. Ramu was very much afraid of death and Claudia was very pious and hoped to reach a higher realm after death. The ultimate reality came one day.

Ramu was really apprehensive, but his death was calm and he never expected that it was just another test by God. He felt his inner self being removed from his body and during those moments he got a glimpse of all the events in his life. But once removed from the body, he felt that he was flying up slowly, and he could see everything clearly. He realized that he had acquired the power to know others minds, to move to any distance within moments and to give blessings to people whom he liked. He regained all the memory of his past lives an understood that the present existence is only temporary, and he will be uplifted to heaven after one or two years. Then, when he remembered his liking for the Western world, he was excited and he decided to reach Germany as soon as possible.

Claudia was by that time already started her journey to India. Both of them met on their way to their destinations. ‘Hey, I understand that you are moving to India, what made you do so?’ asked Ramu’s spirit. ‘It is my dreamland and I like to be in the midst of temples and spirituality. But what attracts you there in my country?’ Claudia enquired.
‘All my life I dreamt of Europe and I did not get a single chance to visit the place. Now I am free and I am able to go and see my favorite place in the world’, said Ramu. They bid good bye to each other and after a while, landed in their respective destinations.

Ghost hunting had become a practice in Germany and experts used special devices to detect ghosts. When Ramu reached there, he found instruments fitted everywhere to detect the ghost energy.

Ramu was detected and experts Gunther and Felix used their technique to deactivate Ramus powers. Ramu was caught in a ghost box and could not enjoy the freedom he had. He was not a harmful ghost, but now he had to wait for some help from beings like him.

When the spirit of Claudia reached India, she was very happy to see so many temples and spiritual persons. She went to the state of Kerala, the place she had heard about, and decided to settle at a temple in a small village.

The occasion of astrological consultation about the situation of the temple came and the astrologers detected the presence of a divine being in the temple. They advised the temple committee to perform the required rituals to please the deity and to build a special shrine to sit her there.

So, Claudia found her newly acquired status and became happy to see people come to worship her and she now had the power to bless others.

One day Ramu’s children came to the temple and prayed for the salvation of their father. Claudia heard their prayers and she meditated for a moment and saw the plight of Ramu and decided to help him.

That evening Claudia reached the place where Ramu was chained , and helped him escape from that state. He was thankful to her and with her he came back to the temple.
They remained there till both of them were called to the heaven for the next phase of the enormous cycle of birth, life and death.
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