Daddy, where are you?

by CharlieA
Daddy, where are you?
You missed my first word.
I called her mom, I did it!
You weren't there, that kinda hurts.

Daddy, where are you?
You missed my first school day.
I needed you, I always do.
You are my rock, you make me brave.

Daddy, where are you?
A bully made me cry.
He called me dumb, he shoved me.
You should have been there,
To help me fight.

Daddy, where are you?
I need you in my life.
I feel abandoned,
Like you dont care.
Do you? Dont lie.

Daddy, I love you.
But you dont make it easy.
You make me chase you,
Day and night.
But I never catch you, ever.

Daddy, I hate you.
You dont deserve my love.
But its hard, i dont know how to let go
Ive always cared for you.

Daddy, I miss you.
We could have had good times.
I tried my whole life,
And now you're gone.
I remember those few times.

I miss the warmth of your embrace
I miss your caring smile
I miss your hugs, the few I got
I miss your bright blue eyes

I love you dad
I really do
I've known it all my life
And one day when we meet again
I'll tell you
And you'll smile

'Cause you love me too, dad
I know that now
You just never had the time
But I learned from this,
To never miss a moment of their lives.

My children know
I love them so,
I give them all my time.

I love you, dad
I'll see you soon.
I'll hold your hand,
I'll walk with you,
And never leave your side.
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P'yonce Knowmore

P'yonce Knowmore

August 3, 2015 - 09:10 I so wish my child would never feel this way...this is a great poem keep it up


August 3, 2015 - 10:59 Good work indeed..... keep bringing and keep writing.... Liked it
Manahill Naik

Manahill Naik

August 3, 2015 - 13:39 omg loved the ending... o.O and what a flow??? god uve done it! won my heart with this masterpiece :D

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